Glossary of Crane Terminology
Method of marking cranes and hoists KPK
a/ type of crane M - overhead travelling crane P - gantry crane if the 2nd letter in the name is Z, the letter P means monorail crane PZ - monorail crane S - pillar cranes K - wall slewing cranes b/ type of lifting device Ž - crane ŽT - crane with permanent spreader beam Z - monorail crane ZT - monorail crane with permanent spreader beam ŽP - under running overhead travelling crane c/ number of crane bridge girders J - single girder D - double girder Note: for pillar and wall slewing cranes, the number of girders is not specified. d/ type of crane main beam Z - welded, box construction K - side running hoist G - crane from Unit-Built System KPK KB Note: if nothing is specified, the bridge or arm is made of rolled profile e/ crane drive type E - electric R - manually Note: for pillar and wall slewing cranes, the letter O means that it is rotatable. f/ crane load capacity in tons e.g.. 3.2 is load capacity 3200 kg g/ span or reach of the crane arm in m The number indicates the span for bridge - type cranes, or max. reach of the crane arm for pillar and wall slewing cranes in m. Example of marking a doublegirder overhead crane, welded main beams, with an electric drive, with a load capacity 5000 kg and span of 10 m. MŽDZE 5/10 |
- Auxiliary Hoist – A supplementary lifting device used to assist or serve as an alternative to the main hoist for vertical movements, can provide different speeds and load capacities than main hoist.
- Beam - The main horizontal structure in a crane.
- Brake - An essential safety component, controlling and stopping crane mechanisms.
- Bridge – The crab or crabs are carried on this part of the crane construction.
- Bridge Travel or Long travel - Movement of the crane parallel to the runway.
- Cab - Crane cab serves as the safe and comfortable operator's station.
- Capacity - lifting capacity represents the maximum safe weight or load it can handle, maximum load of crane.
- Center of Gravity - in a crane refers to the point where the entire weight of the crane and its load is concentrated.
- Clearance – The space or distance from the crane to the point of the nearest obstruction.
- Controller – Regulates the power supply to the corresponding motor.
- Corrosion Resistant – Prevents corrosion of parts of the crane construction.
- Counterweight – A counterweight is an amount of weight that balances a crane and its load. Counterweights are typically added to the opposite side of the crane to the load.
- Crab - see Trolley.
- Crane – Equipped with cables and pulleys and based upon the application of fundamental mechanical principles. Crane can lift and lower loads.
- Dead Load - The weight of the crane itself or other components, which remains constant during crane working.
- Dead end - end of a wire rope or chain opposite to where the load is applied.
- Design Life -The intended duration for which a crane is designed to operate safely under normal usage conditions.
- Drum – A cylindrical component in a crane's hoisting mechanism, responsible for winding and unwinding hoisting wire ropes or cables during lifting.
- Electric Overhead Travelling Crane – A crane that travels overhead, often mounted on a girder, powered by electricity. Abbreviation - EOTC.
- Footwalk - A safe and accessible walkway (platform) for crane operators and maintenance personnel.
- Gantry Crane – Crane attached to a gantry with crab.
- Height Of Lift – Hook path - Measurement of the distance from the floor to the load level. Abbreviation - HOL
- Hoist – The part of the crane that lifts or lowers the load.
- Jib – The horizontal part of construction of the crane (arm) that supports the hoist.
- Lifting Capacity – The capacity of lift of crane - weight terms.
- Load – The load is what the crane lifts.
- Main Hoist – Hoist that can lift the main load.
- Max Lifting Capacity – The maximum capacity of lift of crane - weight terms.
- Normal Working Load ( Safe Working Load )– The load a crane can safely handle without damaging the lifting mechanism or crane structure. Abbreviation - NWL
- Overhead Travelling Crane – A crane that travels overhead on craneway.
- Power supply trolley on bridge – Providing power to the trolley, supply trolley are along the bridge of the crane.
- Power supply trolley on Runway – Providing power to the crane, supply trolley are along the runway.
- Pulley Block (sheave) – a wheel with a groove for a wire rope to pass through.
- Rail – Part mounted or welding on beam of craneway or bridge of crane.
- Runway – Cranes travel on a runway.
- Safe Working Load – The load a crane can safely handle without damaging the lifting mechanism or crane structure. Abbreviation - SWL
- Trolley – allows movement for the hoist.
- Wire rope - lifting element.
- Working Load Limit – Maximum working load for the crane . Abbreviation - WLL
- Working Radius – The radius over the area the crane will carry out its work.